Happy Birthday to Me
Well today I turn 23. Nothing really special going on. I remember a time when I use to be thrilled about birthday's, now it's mainly just another day. The last one that I was somewhat excited about was my 21st since I could then do all the things I had been doing legally. My parents are on their way down for about a 9 day stay, to help with doing some wedding arrangments and things around the house. Tonight they are taking me out to a Japanese Steakhouse, which is what have done for the past 6 years now.My bike is still in the shop, and I am hoping to get it back today, that would be a nice birthday gift. I probably wont see it though untill the middle of next week with the way my luck is with the dealership. I hope that the next time I have to the service on it, I can do it myself. I started testing the paint I got for the bike today, to see if it will match. Hopefully it will, but I have to wait till the bike is back at the house.
This morning on my way into work, I noticed a noise coming from the back of the cougar. It is a noise that I had thought I fixed during the summer, and had gone away, but now it sounds like it is back with a vengence. What had happened was that the rear strut mounts on my car had gone bad, so I replaced them with new ones, but now the things have already crapped out on me again!! I will have to check them out this weekend, cause they are a pain in the ass to remove. Maybe I just didn'st align things right when I was rotating the tires a few weeks ago, and it will be an easy fix then.
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